Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hospital Fairies

Hospitals are inhabited by many fairies.  Here are some of the more common ones:

Cleaning Fairy

Whenever equipment gets thrown into the Soiled Utility Room, the Cleaning Fairy appears.  Everything is magically cleaned and put back into its proper place! 

Trash Fairy and Dirty Linen Fairy


These two fairies are often seen together.  When the trash is overflowing and the linen bags are exploding, the Trash Fairy and Dirty Linen Fairy appear!  Poof!! The room looks presentable again!

Label Fairy

When nurses don't understand that the backing on the green  IV tubing labels is supposed to be PEELED OFF before it is wrapped around the IV tubing, the Label Fairy appears.  You will find her squashed underfoot on the floor near the IV pole.

Poopee Fairy

There is a special incantation that brings about the Poopee Fairy.  If the offgoing nurse says, "Well, they were clean the last time I checked them," the Poopee Fairy swoops in! 

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