Thursday, June 27, 2013

Costume Faux Pas

What people wear makes a statement.  Our costume choices reveal a great deal about us.  We expect something different from a man in a tuxedo than from a guy with a Confederate flag wrapped around his head.

Here are some of my favorite--REAL LIFE--bad costuming choices:

The Cool Doctor with the black Vampira nails and trendy tattoos

The even Cooler Doctor with the greying ponytail

The exposed thong

Nurse's Note:  To save laundry costs, people should  just have their thongs tattooed on. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

What has the government done for me lately?

One afternoon as my daughter and I were trailering to a nearby park, and I heard a radio commentator criticizing the government.  I joined right in, complaining bitterly.   

My daughter protested mildly.

But, I retorted, "Really--what has the government done for me?"

She stared at me, shocked and appalled that I could be so ignorant  Then she said,  "How about:  the condition of this road,"

"The safety specs on this truck,"


"The ingredients in your can of soda,"


"the education in your head,"

"And the immunizations in your body."

"That's just a start."

Embarrassed, I shut up.

Nurse's Note:  When our youngest daughter was in third grade, she learned this poem in school:

"Services!  Services!  Our taxes pay for services!
Schools and pools, parks and roads.
Services are good as gold."

I try to keep that in mind when tempted to complain about the government.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Attenders!

Nurses have superheroes just like Batman and Spiderman.  Here are some of them:

Nazalyzer has a supersensitve nose that can make many diagnoses.  She doesn't need lab tests, xrays or CT scans.  She can SMELL what is wrong with the patient!

Nasalyzer is famous for her superstrength!

Ultima  has been a nurse for many, many years.  She remembers when trepanning was done at the boulderside!  Ultima brings with her long and wide experience.  Her most famous line was to a physician who was arguing with her:  "Perhaps I am not being clear..."

When a patient is found pale and semi-conscious, with a rapid pulse and profuse perspiration, many experts are called in...

They offer different opinions...

Ultima sweeps in to save the day!!

Ultima devises an amazing, high-tech solution...

All ends well!!

Rez-Q-erz  can quickly assess any emergent situation and immediately predict what should be done and what the doctor will need.  By the time the doctor arrives, Rez-Q-erz  has all the supplies and equipment at the bedside, the labs drawn and the tests ordered.

Res-Q-erz is not afraid to take on drug reps in the parking lot!

Later, when this story is told to other staff members, some questions arise...

Solaci is a nurse with a magical soothing voice.  When patients are confused and climbing out of bed, when family members are argumentative or sarcastic, Solaci can walk into the room and de-escalate any stressful situation with his voice.  It works better than a warm blanket!

When a nurse yells for the code cart, if the wheels are locked, that doesn't stop Solaci!!

Solaci  doesn't know his own strength when it comes to the door latches...

But that doesn't prevent him from getting the code cart into the room!!

Solaci can leap large sewage floods with a single bound.

He can be turned into a toad by his nemesis, Dr. Duh Nyle.

EmpaSee has the unique ability to always see the world through other people's perspectives.  He wears Ryaban© eyeglasses, which can be adjusted to allow him to understand anyone's point of view.  

Empasee has the ability to contort his body into ANY SHAPE!!

Together they make up, THE ATTENDERS!

Nurse's Note:  Their shirts spell, "NURSE".  No one's seems to be getting that...I guess no genius is understood in their own time...*sniff*