Monday, June 24, 2013

What has the government done for me lately?

One afternoon as my daughter and I were trailering to a nearby park, and I heard a radio commentator criticizing the government.  I joined right in, complaining bitterly.   

My daughter protested mildly.

But, I retorted, "Really--what has the government done for me?"

She stared at me, shocked and appalled that I could be so ignorant  Then she said,  "How about:  the condition of this road,"

"The safety specs on this truck,"


"The ingredients in your can of soda,"


"the education in your head,"

"And the immunizations in your body."

"That's just a start."

Embarrassed, I shut up.

Nurse's Note:  When our youngest daughter was in third grade, she learned this poem in school:

"Services!  Services!  Our taxes pay for services!
Schools and pools, parks and roads.
Services are good as gold."

I try to keep that in mind when tempted to complain about the government.

1 comment:

  1. Because America wasn't built with privately built toll roads. Or led by autodidacts. And of course corporations will make crap to kill their (no need for repeat) customers.

    Better to build bridges to nowhere, train our children to be automatons that will be good cogs in the government-industry complex, and ensure that regulations are written by corporate donors and small innovators are regulated and blocked from the market.

    But at least we have the Kardashians to watch, and free government cheese provided by inflated currency to tide us over until they send up the next terrorist attack warning to keep the Orioles scared and compliant.
