Monday, February 25, 2013

I'm giving about 3%

Today I heard a sports announcer say that a player was "Giving 110%!"

Now, I didn't major in math (I don't know what a slide ruler's for) so I could be wrong here, but isn't it impossible to get a number larger than 100 when you are calculating percentages?  The denominator is the whole (represented by 100% in percentages) and the numerator is some portion of that whole.  Right?

So, if someone in sports is giving 110%, are they bringing an extra body part with them?

Nurse's Note:  I wanted to have shirts made up for our unit that said, "ICU Nurses Give 110%!"  but my manager discouraged it.  She said that since we are calculating vasoactive drips, we need to demonstrate some basic math competence so we don't frighten the patients.

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