Friday, November 29, 2013

What's in a Name?

I knew how to spell my older sister's name before I learned how to spell my own.

When we were growing up, playground introductions went something like this:

"Hi!  I'm Susan!"

"Hi!  I'm Cathy!" 

"Hi!  I'm Becky!" 

"Hi!  I'm Lisa!"

My sister would say, "Hi!  I'm Calina!"

"What?  WHAT'S your name?"





"Calina.  C-A-L-I-N-A.  Calina."

When I entered first grade, the teacher told us we were going to learn how to spell our names.

I stood up and announced that I ALREADY knew how to spell my name!  "C-A-L-I-N-A"!

She told me to sit down.

Nurse's Note:  Thus began my long Icarusian fall within the education system.

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