Thursday, December 20, 2012

Doggone Humans

Many people think dog behavior is strange.  But human behavior would probably seem strange to a dog.  To illustrate this, let's transpose some common human and dog behaviors:

Meet and Greet 

Establishing Dominance

Marking Territory

Maybe dog behavior is not so strange after all.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hospital Fairies

Hospitals are inhabited by many fairies.  Here are some of the more common ones:

Cleaning Fairy

Whenever equipment gets thrown into the Soiled Utility Room, the Cleaning Fairy appears.  Everything is magically cleaned and put back into its proper place! 

Trash Fairy and Dirty Linen Fairy


These two fairies are often seen together.  When the trash is overflowing and the linen bags are exploding, the Trash Fairy and Dirty Linen Fairy appear!  Poof!! The room looks presentable again!

Label Fairy

When nurses don't understand that the backing on the green  IV tubing labels is supposed to be PEELED OFF before it is wrapped around the IV tubing, the Label Fairy appears.  You will find her squashed underfoot on the floor near the IV pole.

Poopee Fairy

There is a special incantation that brings about the Poopee Fairy.  If the offgoing nurse says, "Well, they were clean the last time I checked them," the Poopee Fairy swoops in! 

Friday, December 7, 2012

ICU Centerfold

The public has a lot of misconceptions about healthcare.  I've decided the best way to educate people about what "doing everything" really means is for me to start my own magazine.  It will be stocked in the supermarket checkout line next to the glossy covers announcing sex scandals and pregnancy rumors. 

My magazine will have articles, graphs, statistics and data that no one ever reads--BUT, it will also have a centerfold!  Just like Playboy and Penthouse!

 Except my centerfold will have to fold out the other way...

America loves pictures!  Maybe it will make someone think twice...

Or, maybe not.  The human capacity for denial is amazing.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Relationship Timeline

Men and women view relationships differently.  I asked a male co-worker recently if he was in a serious relationship.  

He said, "Define serious."  

It is pretty tough to define. 

After much deliberation, I came up with timelines to show how relationships progress from first meeting to total intimacy

Nurse's Note: Each sex has its own timeline.  Sometimes the timelines converge, sometimes they part abruptly.

Day 0

Day 3

Around this point, the timelines diverge...

They continue to run separately...

...merging occasionally. 

The timeline splits again...

...but rejoins at the toilet. 

That's the answer.  If you can use the toilet in front of someone, it's definitely a serious relationship. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Ballot Ballad

Politics are a divisive topic.  People argue as if anyone who disagrees with their position must have extensive brain damage.  But, the choices are not that clear.  That's why there are two parties and so much campaigning.  Rarely is either candidate completely illiterate, a nudist or a bank robber.  They are usually toilet-trained, have had their shots and can add some double-digit numbers. 

It is unlikely that you will see the following ballot:

Friday, November 30, 2012

Forbidden Language in the ICU

Last night, a fellow ICU nurse referred to his genitalia as his, "Wee Wee".  I am pretty far from being a prude, but there are some words that ICU staff just cannot use. 

Here are a few of them:

Now that we are responsible for people's lives, let's use our big boy and girl words.  I'd rather hear, "Dammit!  There is shit all over the bed!  AGAIN!"

Monday, November 12, 2012


I work with nurses from many foreign lands, like Nigeria, Ukraine, Mexico, India, Sierra Leone and Topeka. 

The nurse from Topeka is graceful and athletic, with glowing skin and very white teeth.  She looks like a ballerina who took a wrong turn after rehearsing Swan Lake and ended up staffing in the ICU.

They do speak English in Topeka, but it's a dialect I am not very familiar with.  The dialect--Topekanese--contains some strong phrases that seem incongruous coming out of this young woman's mouth.

When she hears about a challenging admission, she remarks cheerfully,"That sounds like a shit show!"

If a co-worker comes in unshaven, she says, "What's with the trash 'stache?"

If she hears something that sounds like mendacity, she says, "He pulled that straight out of his asshole."

If someone says something unkind, she says, "I'm really butt hurt about that."

I thought I might get me a hernia from laughing so hard.   In an attempt to understand her culture better,  I did some research on her native land. 

Topeka is located in the middle area of the United States of America.  It's somewhere between New York and San Francisco, Austin and Minneapolis.  It is south of Chicago, but north of Miami.  It is east of Phoenix but west of Atlanta.  It is closer to Denver than it is to Portland.

The state dog of Topeka is the Topekingese.

The state bird is the Topeking duck.

The state flower is the Topekawinkle.

Now, we all know more about the great state of Topeka!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Back Rub Etiquette

I enjoy back rubs, but sometimes when a co-worker is massaging my back, I start to wonder--where are the boundaries on a woman's back?  How far around the side and down the front is permissible?  Lower than the collar bone?  Farther around than the mid-axillary line?  Or the phlebostatic axis?

To clarify this puzzling issue, I came up with a chart to illustrate the DANGER ZONES  not to be breached in back rubs:

Side View (Left)

Rear View

Front View

I asked my husband what he thought the perimeters should be when a guy rubs my back.


He touched the very center of my back and said, "Right there.  That's the limit."

I think he's anti-research.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Peer Parking

Last week I met a friend for lunch at her workplace.  She does research in a huge science laboratory supported financially by a private endowment.  The building takes up several city blocks and is full of sculptures, paintings and fountains.

I managed to find the parking garage,  but then I realized that a badge was necessary to park on certain levels.  Signs were up directing traffic to the appropriate area.

I knew where I needed to go.

Playing Telephone

Last night I called a doctor about getting a drug ordered for my patient.  The day shift nurse had attempted to get the medication ordered but had no success.  After arguing with me for a few minutes, the physcian said, "Okay, fine!  She can have it, then!"

I said, "Great!  Are you going to put that order in?"

He said, "I, uhh--I'm not near a computer.  Can you do it?"

I said, "I'm not, either."

He said, "I'm placing a central line."

I said, "I'm coding a patient."

He said, "I'm resecting a brain tumor."

I said, "I'm fighting ninjas."

He said, "I'm performing open-heart surgery."

I said, "I'm taking off in the space shuttle."

I said, "Losing you...zzzzzzkk...can't hear...zzzzzkk...put in order....zzzzkk..."

All communication was lost then.  I guess he didn't understand, because he didn't put the order in. 

I waited an hour and paged the oncoming resident to put it in.

Reception is so sketchy out there in space.

English Lesson

I often hear my co-workers complain about patients who don't speak English.   But, I talk to nurses every day who don't speak English very well.

When studying a foreign language, you learn practical phrases like, "Where's the bathroom?" and, "Please give me two boiled eggs."  They never teach you how to say, "Did your great-aunt on your mother's side plant anemone along her back terrace?"

Here some common English phrases that need their usage clarified:

"Hi, how are you?"  (HY' hauw-r-u)  This is a commonly misunderstood phrase, commonly confused with, "I give a shit about your personal issues and I want to hear your woes."  That is an inaccurate translation.  "Hi, how are you?" means, "Hello".  The correct response in English is: "Fine!  How are you?"

"Well" (WE' ul')   If you have diarrhea of the glottis and you are rambling mindlessly on and the glassy-eyed person in front of you says, "Well"  it DOES NOT indicate agreement.   "Well," is actually a contraction.  The uncontracted version is: "When will he shut the hell up?"  

 "Huh" (HU')  "Huh" is Latin.  It means, "I heard you."  That's all it means.

Communication is a two-way street, though.  Lots of people don't know how to listen.  If a friend starts telling you about his wife cheating on him, his mother dying of cancer or his house being repossessed, do this:  sit still with your eyes fixed on him.  Nod occasionally.  Keep your mouth shut.  DO NOT offer any advice, criticism or comments.  Do not text, phone anyone or look around. 

See below.

Now, you're a great listener!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Ivory Tower

Nursing has its very own Ivory Tower.  Staff nurses toil away in the Tower's shadow; missives come from high above to guide our nursing practice. 

At the top of the tower is one tiny peephole, which allows a few beams of sunlight in at 11:47 a.m. 

The rest of the time the Tower is in darkness.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Seven Dwarfettes

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is the story of a teenage girl who doesn't get along with her stepmother, runs off and moves in with seven single men.  

I don't agree with reading that kind of thing to children.  But, women read Fifty Shades of Grey in public, so I guess I don't know.

But, I digress--after Snow White married Prince Charming and was carried off into the sunset, all of the Seven Dwarfs got married.  Yep, every one of them found his own dwarfette!

Each of their relationships had challenges, though.  Each of their challenges mirror issues that persist between men and women today. 

See is you can match each of the Seven Dwarfettes to her respective husbands, and if you recognize the problem in their relationships. 

Remember, the Seven Dwarfs were Doc, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Dopey and Happy.  

1.  Bitchy

2.  Dizzy (this is her third marriage)

3.  Dolly

4.  Shy

5.  Dreamy

6.  Jolly

7.  Silly


1.  Bitchy/Grumpy

2.  Dizzy/Sneezy

3.  Dolly/Doc

4.  Shy/Bashful

5.  Dreamy/Sleepy

6.  Jolly/Happy

7.  Silly/Dopey

So, how did you do?

Be a G.O.A.T.!

One of the biggest problems with American government is that senators and representatives spend so much time and money trying to be re-elected.   This causes our leaders to be very vulnerable to special interest groups; it is a system that almost guarantees corruption.   

Let's get rid of professional politicians once and for all!  Here's an idea for a government of the people, by the people and for the people:

The local, state and federal government offices are now going to be selected by lottery of everyday folks.  If your name is drawn, you serve your country by working in the government for one month. 

Like this:

An envelope comes in the mail; you open it and read that you are going to be a local representative this month.  Or maybe you're going to be the deputy mayor.  Or the lieutenant governor.

"Honey, looks like I gotta go to Washington and be a senator next month...can you take Puffy in to be neutered?" 

There would be less corruption with that kind of short term.  People would stay in tune with the issues and they would have a chance to be involved with the government process first-hand.  Efficiency would improve; there would be no motivation to stall or filibuster.

At the end of your month of service, you would get paid 1/12th of the average American yearly salary.  Your job back at home would be held just like if you had been called to jury duty.  The cush senators salaries and retirement plans and special medical care would be GONE!

We could call ourselves the "G.O.A.T. Party":  Government Of American Taxpayers!  It would really be a government of us!

G.O.A.T. Party

To be G.O.A.T. you have to meet certain standards:

High School graduate or G.E.D.
Literate in English
Gainfully Employed
No Felony Convictions
25-75 years old

Nurse's Note:  I know this will never happen; it takes at least a month just to find the bathroom in the Capitol Building.  But seriously, let's vote in Campaign Finance Reform.  Be a G.O.A.T.!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ex-Husband Line Up

I saw my ex-husband last week.  When I pointed him out to my present husband, my present husband said, "Uhh...I don't think that's him.  Are you sure?"

I said I was pretty sure.  I can usually recognize EVERY person I have ever been married to!  It's some kind of perceptive gift, like those autistic people who can multiply large numbers in their heads.

If you put all my ex-husbands in a line up with other men, I could pick out nearly every one.  EVERY ONE!!

Ex-Husband Line Up

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I have been a nurse for a long time, but until last night I had never heard of The Science of Unitary Human Beings.   This "nursing theory" is being taught at colleges across the country.   Students are paying exorbitant prices to to go to nursing school and they are getting, "pandimensionality"? 


This "theory" has lots of big, important-sounding words like:  Helicy, resonancy, integrality, energy fields, rhythmicities, continuous dynamic metamorphosis, homeodynamic postulates, irreducible wholes. 

Sound confusing?  Like some pretentious idiot masturbating with big words?  Confusing obscurity with profundity?

 Ms. Rogers, the guru who founded this "nursing theory", also has a "Theory of Paranormal Phenomena". 

Here's Wikipedia's definition of Paranormal Phenomena:  This theory focus on the explanations for precognition, déjà vu, clairvoyance, telepathy, and therapeutic touch. Clairvoyance is rational in a four dimensional human field in continuous mutual, simultaneous interaction with a four dimensional world; there is no linear time nor any separation of human and the environmental fields.

Science has debunked every one of those, "Paranormal Phenomena".  None of the phenomena identified by the Concept of Pandimensionality has ever been proven by science; quite the opposite.  Rigorous blind testing using the scientific method has repeatedly demonstrated that paranormal phenomena are an illusion fostered by fraud or ignorance. 

Here is Mosby's Dictionary of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine definition of pandimensionality:  the science of unitary human beings, the non-linear, non-spatial, non-temporal reality underlying the realm of everyday experience.

Does any of that make sense to anybody?

Is this really being taught in an American higher education by professors?  Can they really spout off this bunk with a straight face?  Here's a question for any professor teaching the Concept of Pandimensionality: 

Do the words coming out of your mouth travel around to your ear?  Or do you have on  a white plastic collars like they put on dogs so they can't lick their stitches--but you wear it hitched forward so your ears are on one side and your mouth on the other?

The Theory of Pandimensionality

Nurse's Note:  I wish nurses would stop working so hard to add more letters behind their names and put more effort into keeping their patients turned, poop-free, heparin drips titrated correctly and another bag of levophed available. 

You Know it is Going to Be a Bad Night When...

After many years as a nurse, I believe in portents.  I used to scoff at superstitious nurses, but now I watch for ominous signs indicating that my shift is going to be bad.

Here are some telling omens:

Omen #1:  You Can't Find a Parking Space in the Parking Garage

Omen #2:  The waiting room is full of crying family.  One of them is on the floor.

Omen #3:  Two attending physicians are standing outside your patient's room

Omen #4:  The code cart is parked inside your patient's room

This is a good time to suddenly feel very sick and need to go home. 


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Therapeutic Heroin Levels

Sometimes, it is difficult to organize your thoughts into anything coherent after a long, difficult shift.  One morning, I was giving report to a day nurse and I said, "The patient is therapeutic on heroin, so the next PTT will be tomorrow morning."

The oncoming nurse looked at me strangely.  

I corrected myself hastily.  "Heparin!  Heparin!  They're therapeutic on heparin!  I don't actually know what their heroin level is..."

It caused me to wonder--what IS a therapeutic heroin level? 

I did some informal research on this burning topic.  The nurses all had different answers, but the best response was, "Somewhere between remembering to brush your teeth and chewing some guy's face off."

So, here's the scale:


