Thursday, October 25, 2012

Be a G.O.A.T.!

One of the biggest problems with American government is that senators and representatives spend so much time and money trying to be re-elected.   This causes our leaders to be very vulnerable to special interest groups; it is a system that almost guarantees corruption.   

Let's get rid of professional politicians once and for all!  Here's an idea for a government of the people, by the people and for the people:

The local, state and federal government offices are now going to be selected by lottery of everyday folks.  If your name is drawn, you serve your country by working in the government for one month. 

Like this:

An envelope comes in the mail; you open it and read that you are going to be a local representative this month.  Or maybe you're going to be the deputy mayor.  Or the lieutenant governor.

"Honey, looks like I gotta go to Washington and be a senator next month...can you take Puffy in to be neutered?" 

There would be less corruption with that kind of short term.  People would stay in tune with the issues and they would have a chance to be involved with the government process first-hand.  Efficiency would improve; there would be no motivation to stall or filibuster.

At the end of your month of service, you would get paid 1/12th of the average American yearly salary.  Your job back at home would be held just like if you had been called to jury duty.  The cush senators salaries and retirement plans and special medical care would be GONE!

We could call ourselves the "G.O.A.T. Party":  Government Of American Taxpayers!  It would really be a government of us!

G.O.A.T. Party

To be G.O.A.T. you have to meet certain standards:

High School graduate or G.E.D.
Literate in English
Gainfully Employed
No Felony Convictions
25-75 years old

Nurse's Note:  I know this will never happen; it takes at least a month just to find the bathroom in the Capitol Building.  But seriously, let's vote in Campaign Finance Reform.  Be a G.O.A.T.!

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