Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Insane Childhoods

More children than ever are being diagnosed with psychiatric issues like ADHD, ADD, bipolar disorder, anxiety and depression.  As reluctant as I am to side with Tom Cruise on ANYTHING, it is said that even a stopped clock is right twice a day. 

I do think that many childhood psychiatric illnesses are over-diagnosed and over-medicated.  Here is Camille's three-step all purpose guaranteed fix for whatever type of insanity ails your kid:


Throw out all electronic equipment such at televisions, DVD players, Iphones, stereos, video games, Wiis, computers, X boxes, Ipads, gameboys, etc.

 If it has a cord, throw it out.

Nurse's Note:  No child should EVER have a television or a computer in their bedroom. Televisions and computers should be in public areas of the house, not only to encourage togetherness and minimize obesity but to keep your kid off the evening news.


Come up with a list of daily and weekly chores that will be expected from your child.  Then, FOLLOW UP on your child's compliance with each item on the list. 

This will require some effort on your part as a parent.  But if you can find the time to take your child to a psychiatrist and give them pills to sedate them, you can find the time to teach them how to work.  Help them learn to be productive and to take pride in their accomplishments. 

Stop parenting chemically.


Spend time with your kid.  Most of it should be spent outdoors, in nature.  Play a sport together; go for walks.  Talk.  Tell them about yourself.   Listen to their stories.  Share some of your own.

Nurse's Note:  No child under thirteen needs to have a cell phone.  Save the phone as a special birthday present.  Make it a symbol of adulthood.

Voila!  Now your child isn't crazy anymore!  It's a miracle of modern medicine!!

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