Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Plethora of Physicians

Groups of animals are called by different names, depending on the type of animal.  There are herds of horses, schools of fish, packs of dogs, prides of lions and litters of kittens. 

Some of the names are very quaint and unusual.  Like, a parliament of owls.  A murder of crows.  A vagrant of sea urchins.  A loveliness of ladybirds.  A battery of barracudas.  A mischief of mice.  A quiver of cobras.  A puddle of platypuses.  A storytelling of ravens.  An exaltation of larks.  A pandemonium of parrots.  A congregation of alligators.

As medicine advances, there are more and more physician specialties.  Every square millimeter of the human body has a group of physicians to rigorously study and care for it. 

To keep all of these physician specialties organized, the American Medical Association has assigned names to each group, just like animals have.  Now, it is all crystal clear!

A boob of plastic surgeons
An pulse of vascular surgeons
A fart of gastroenterologists
A gout of rheumatologists
A fundus of obstetricians
A toddle of pediatricians
A fracture of orthopedic surgeons
An abcess of peridontists
A clot of hematologists
A pimple of dermatologists
A fever of infectious disease physicians
A heartbreak of cardiothoracic surgeons
An id of psychiatrists
A snore of anesthesiologists
A colon of proctologists
A tumor of oncologists
A puff of pulmonologists
A speculum of gynecologists
A dribble of urologists
A crash of trauma surgeons
An arrogance of emergency room physicians
A fifth of hepatologists
A shock of cardiologists
A bunion of podiatrists
A comfort of palliative care doctors
A cataract of opthamologists
A trach of ENT surgeons
A seizure of neurologists

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