Tuesday, October 23, 2012

You Know it is Going to Be a Bad Night When...

After many years as a nurse, I believe in portents.  I used to scoff at superstitious nurses, but now I watch for ominous signs indicating that my shift is going to be bad.

Here are some telling omens:

Omen #1:  You Can't Find a Parking Space in the Parking Garage

Omen #2:  The waiting room is full of crying family.  One of them is on the floor.

Omen #3:  Two attending physicians are standing outside your patient's room

Omen #4:  The code cart is parked inside your patient's room

This is a good time to suddenly feel very sick and need to go home. 



  1. Sean Hannity's Left NutsackOctober 23, 2012 at 10:38 PM

    You libtards are all the same!! Just never happy no matter how much of the Obama-money you get your sissy little hands on!! Always complaining about how bad you've got it when everybody knows America is the best and nobody is swimming oceans to try and get into Afganistan!

  2. That code cart is so realistic it makes me want to cry..
