Saturday, October 13, 2012

Violence, Violets

Years ago, most hospital units had no permanent charge nurse.  The staff nurses took turns being in charge, and the charge nurse also had a full patient assignment.

One night, I was working and role-playing at being the charge nurse when another nurse stopped me.  The patient in 2418 was being belligerent and uncooperative.  She had called the doctor but had gotten nowhere.

I donned my charge nurse persona and walked confidently into the room.  The patient was a man in his early seventies.  I introduced myself and explained that he was in a semi-private room.  I asked him to stop yelling out at the nurses.  It was disturbing his roommate, who was cowering in the next bed with his sheets pulled up to his chin.

I showed him his call light and how to use it. 

The man listened silently.  He reached out to me slowly with one hand.  Puzzled, I stood there wondering if he wanted to see the picture on my name tag.

He grabbed my right boob.

He didn't even care what my name was!

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