Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pick Two, One Blue

In my line of work, I deal with a lot of people.  Some are brilliant, some are--well, some are not brilliant.  That's okay.  Not every nurse or doctor is going to have profound insight.

But, I want to be very clear--if you are not an absolute rock star at your job, you had better damn well be nice. 

Think of it this way:  there are four possible cards.  You get to pick two cards, but at least ONE of the cards you pick needs to be a blue card. 

You can be really good at what you do and a complete asshole.  Or you can be a nice guy who is just a bit on the slow side. 

Nurse's Note:  In a perfect universe you could be a pleasant person who also happens to be competent.  I read somewhere once that this was possible.  

But you cannot be a dickhead  AND incompetent.  That's just over the line.  It's legal to shoot such people in 47 states and the District of Columbia.

Pick two, one blue.

1 comment:

  1. Can I be just pretend to be nice and competent? -I
