Sunday, September 16, 2012

Our Gang Sign

I work in an inner city hospital in a bad part of town.  Nurses from bourgeois suburban hospitals areas frequently ask me, "Aren't you scared to walk into work?  Isn't it dangerous?"

I tell them, no, our nurses are so bad that every floor has its own gang sign.  Hospital administration hired Mr. 50 Cent to go floor to floor and teach the staff how to show their gang signs.  

We are on Unit 3-G.  This is what, "3-G" looks like from Mr. Cent:

This is what "3-G" looks like from us:

Scared yet?

1 comment:

  1. General Stoneballs JacksonSeptember 18, 2012 at 2:56 AM

    Saw this same thing posted on Huffungton!
    This blog has jumped the shark and is totally lames-ville these days!!
