Friday, September 14, 2012

Todd Akin goes to Hell

I don't know if you heard this on the news, but Todd Akin died last night.  Todd Akin was a Republican United States Representative from Missouri who said that in, "a legitimate rape the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down" and therefore cannot become pregnant.
I don't know what Mr. Akin studied in school--or IF he went to school--but I am sure it wasn't gynecology.  The human female has no such capability.  To say that it does is like saying the earth is flat.

Anyway, so now Mr. Akin is dead.  Expecting to go straight to Heaven as a Christian fundamentalist, he was surprised to instead be ushered through an unusual gate...

He sat in the waiting room for several eons, waiting to be judged.  The waiting room was filled with that modern art stuff that he hates...

The walls had signs with the repercussions for demeaning women.  Farmer Brown and Santa Claus both paused by one that listed the punishments for calling women "hoes".


Todd Akin waited 11.72 eternities in the waiting room before he finally got his chance to explain all the stupid stuff he had said about women.  He walked right in and saw his judge...

Nurse's Note:  If you don't have a car--and have NEVER driven one--don't try to teach me how to drive.  You sound like an idiot.  

(c) copyright 2012 by the author of this blog.  All rights reserved.


  1. Chet Fucking CumberbundSeptember 15, 2012 at 2:49 AM

    "Finally a tour de force blog that accurately captures the perilous zeitgeist of our emotional landscape."
    Prof. Chet Cumberbund, PhD.

    1. Maybe Akin's sentence (after all that waiting) is to spend the rest eternity as a woman. ;)

