Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Love Cigarettes!

I think cigarettes must have been invented by a doctor or a nurse.  They are the best job security imaginable for us.  I love the tobacco industry!   Every day I go to playgrounds and give out cigarettes to children.  


I need job security!  I need the hospital to be jam-packed with patients every day!  I want there to be ambulances and wheelchairs lined up around the block!   Cigarettes are a nurse's best friend!

I have an enormous mortgage. 

Sometimes, I look around at my house, my land, my horses and all my possessions and it hits me that 90% of it has been paid for by smoking-related illnesses.  That thought makes me feel just a bit better when I see a woman with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth yelling at her kids, or some twentysomething puffing away,  desperate to appear non-desperate, or a truckload of colorfully tattooed teenagers lighting up.

We'll keep a bed for you.

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