Monday, September 10, 2012

The Third Law of Thermodynamics

Dr. Walther Nernst proved with the Third Law of Thermodynamics that absolute zero can never be reached in a finite number of steps.  But, Dr. Nernst was a physicist, not a nurse.  He obviously never had to chart on nursing care plans.  Absolute zero may not be possible with the laws of our universe, but nursing care plans come mighty close.

Nursing care plans are a complete waste of time.  They are double charting, which we vowed to get rid of years ago.   The time I spend charting on care plans could be used doing something useful, like picking my nose or wondering if I need to buy more dish soap on the way home.

Care plans were actually thought up by a fellow nurse!  I hope her PhD was worth it.


(c) copyright 2012 by the author of this blog. All rights reserved.

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