Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How to Be a Good Parent in 3 Easy Steps

I hear people arguing all the time about what it takes to be a good parent.  It confuses me.  

Being a good parent is very easy.   So few people seem to understand that. 

The demand for this information is very great, so I will post it here.  I am calling it, "How to be a Good Parent in 3 Easy Steps". 

Catchy, huh?

 "How to be a Good Parent in 3 Easy Steps"


The doctor hands you a squalling baby


Fast forward eighteen years


Out of your front door walks a competent adult who has been taught how to think. 

That should be your primary goal.  Teaching your children HOW TO THINK. 

Old Chinese proverb, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." 

Nurse's Note:  Compare the picture of the newborn to the picture of the nurse--nurses barely metamorphose with maturity.  We are just born perfect! 

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