Thursday, September 20, 2012

How it all Started

In the beginning there was a BIG EXPLOSION!!

Well, it wasn't really a big explosion, since there was no space and no time, no one to hear it and nothing outside of it. 

Anyway, the universe was born!

Then the Earth cooled...

The Earth was pummelled with comets--

The comets brought water, which formed oceans.  The ocean and land separated.

Life began in the oceans...

Soon, the oceans were teaming with life...

Life in the ocean became very competitive.  Some creatures moved on to dry land.  Scientists think that the first animals to venture onto  land went there to escape predators...

But, I have a different theory...

Some animals moved to the land and adapted well, but then were not happy with their decision...

So, they returned to the water...

Some creatures tried to live on both land AND water...

One misty orange sunrise in the early Pre-Cambrian, the first nurse crawled out of the primordial gruel...

walked to the nearest hospital...

timed in...

and went to work.

and that's how it all began.

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly the kind of socialist libtard agenda Sean Hannity warned me about!!
    You're NOT a Great American!!
